Our Team
The School is run by two Principals, Christian Taylor and Michael Bird. We are both busy homeopaths and are passionately committed to producing confident and capable professional homeopaths. We believe that a good, solid understanding of the principles and mechanics of homeopathy will support your working life and development.
We have a core group of lecturers all of whom are working and registered homeopaths.
School Principals

Christian Taylor DSHom FSDSHom RSHom
I started working as a homeopath after qualifying from Misha Norland's School of Homeopathy in 1993. As well as currently practising homeopathy in Brighton, I also worked for many years at the fabulous Dolphin House Children's Clinic Charity in Brighton (sadly now gone since Covid) where I was fortunate enough to have treated several thousand children in the charity, alongside my private practice.
I have been Co-Principal of the college since 2016. I was lucky enough to be asked to join South Downs as a lecturer, a few years after its inception, and have found it to be a fantastically rewarding experience – so much knowledge gained, so much laughter had along the way. I can't imagine life without it.
I was always interested in health and the environment but had become increasingly dissatisfied with the commercialisation of, and exploitative forces within, conventional medicine. I have been absolutely hooked on homeopathy since being introduced the the Organon of Medicine (where the homeopathic model is laid out in all its glory by Samuel Hahnemann). It is the most interesting subject ever and the most interesting and meaningful career one could ever wish for.
The subject matter of homeopathy is so vast and deep it can be easy for students to feel overwhelmed - I certainly did in my early days of practice. Revisiting the core ideas in homeopathy through practice and teaching has helped enormously in finding my way through to a place of more clarity. As a course provider I now have had the opportunity to shape a course that provides a grounded, robust but modern framework that will underpin a life long practice in homeopathy.

Michael Bird
Co-Principal RSHom SDSHom
Before I qualified as a Homeopath, I worked in the education sector, leisure industry, and residential care management. My educational journey was staggered, starting in 1990 for three years, including three different educational providers and settings, then a hiatus of fourteen years. After my break from Homeopathy, I rekindled my interest and passion in Homeopathy through the birth of my daughter. I started my Homeopathic education again in 2007 at South Downs School of Homeopathy, qualifying in 2011.
​After qualifying I ran a successful practice in Highgate, London, before relocating to Sussex. I joined ‘Homeopathy in the Sussex Community’ (HISC) in April 2016, facilitating the weekly mental health clinic at the ‘Wellbeing Hub at Preston Park’, Brighton, for over seven years. I now run 'Mindful Homeopathy', a remote, low-cost, Mental Health and Well-Being clinic, in conjunction with my private practice.
I have taught at Homeopathy colleges across the South East, teaching a wide range of Homeopathy and Mental health topics. The topics covered in my lectures have included Homeopathic Treatment of Mental Health Disorders, Materia Medica for Mental Health, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Trauma, Suicide, Addiction, Substance Misuse, Personality Disorders, Psychiatric Medication, Diagnostic Classification, Delusions, Psychiatric Repertory Language, Trauma Informed Practice and Self-Care.
I am passionate about Homeopathy and Mental Health, striving to remove the stigma and misunderstanding of mental illness, believing that Homeopathy is for everyone.
Teaching Faculty

Sarah Plumb LCHE RSHom FSDSHom
Supervisor, lecturer and pastoral care
I graduated from The Centre of Homeopathic Education and became a registered member of The Society of Homeopaths in 2008. My practice is based in Brighton where I offer consultations in clinic or online. In 2016, alongside my private practice, I joined the team of practitioners at Dolphin House Charity specialising in the treatment of children until it sadly closed in 2020. I have also worked extensively with Lesley Wilkinson in her Croydon clinic since 2016, consulting and delivering teaching clinics, the same teaching clinic where I gained invaluable practical experience as a student and graduate before setting up my own practice in 2008.
In 2018 I joined the teaching staff at South Downs lecturing in Materia Medica and homeopathic philosophy; I also provide student support throughout the year. Homeopathy is a hugely exciting system of medicine and it’s an enormous privilege to both practice and teach. The students are fantastic and I love being part of their learning journey; their enthusiasm is infectious and it’s wonderful to see their understanding and confidence grow over the duration of the course.

Tracy White FSDSHom Hom Int
I trained at SDSH and following graduation in 2016 I have concentrated on building a very busy homeopathic practice online. I have found running an online practice has created amazing opportunities to tap into a patient base that spreads far and wide, I now have clients all over the world and many thousands of hours of practice under my belt.
Alongside my practice I run training workshops and have been lecturing at South Downs for the last few years. Whilst I love working online and can see great potential for the expansion of education in that arena, working with students at South Downs was a fresh challenge which I really enjoyed. Being able to combine lecturing with my online skills offers a future for the college, which I think, is exciting. I’m passionate about the next generation of homeopaths and feel it’s a privilege to be part of that journey.

Sally Nunn LCCH, FSDSHom, RSHom
Supervisor, lecturer and manages college student clinic
I have been a lecturer and supervisor at South Downs College for more years that I care to remember, and what I love about teaching here is seeing how many of our graduates are now well respected, experienced homeopaths with busy, thriving practices – it is a great reward for all our hard work.
I trained at the London College of Classical Homeopathy and graduated from there in 1996. Before teaching at South Downs, I served a six year term on the board of The Society of Homeopaths, and was an assessor for their then registration programme.
At South Downs I run our Low Cost Student Clinic, which not only gives students the clinical practice they need, but provides low cost treatment for patients with a limited budget. www.sallynunn.com
When I am not busy teaching and being a homeopath, I can be found either in my garden, or in my studio painting!

Tracy Brewster-Brown FSDSHom
Lecturer and runs college pharmacy
​I qualified as a homeopath from South Downs College of Homeopathy in 2012. I now both lecture and run the college pharmacy. I previously worked as a nurse in a variety of settings including working with children with disabilities and adults with various health conditions, always with a passion for helping people to be as engaged and active as their bodies allowed. I became interested in homeopathy when my family was young having received successful treatment myself, prompting me to take my children too. I was inspired to study homeopathy as I was so impressed by what homeopathy had achieved for us and I wanted to know more.
I believe homeopathy has a substantial part to play in helping with chronic conditions that cause distress on many levels. With longer appointment times it is possible to piece together the entire picture of what is happening for the individual and I enjoy getting to know my patients through this process. I often see people who have been suffering for many years and have often tried other medicines with limited success. I have a specific interest in treating people with chronic fatigue and skin conditions but equally enjoy treating families who are looking for a more gentle and natural approach from day one for their babies/children. As a practitioner I love the diversity of homeopathy and helping people with lots of different health complaints, this keeps me passionate about what I do.
I have always been passionate about sharing knowledge through teaching and mentoring and have done so both as a nurse and now as a homeopath. I learn everyday and visitors to my house will find books about homeopathy, anatomy, nutrition and anything health related in every room as I continue to increase my own knowledge. I hope to inspire my students to be life long learners. I also love being around the students, watching them grow as practitioners and develop personally during their training. Meeting so many new people means I always learn something from them too!

Kathy Pitt BA (Hons), LCH, RSHom, FSDSHom
Lecturer and also a founder member of the college
Kathy Pitt graduated in 1989 from the College of Homoeopathy in London, and has been in practice in Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex ever since. In 1989 she co-founded the South Downs School of Homoeopathy along with Robin Hayfield and Phyl Eyre. 20+ years later she's still teaching Materia Medica (homoeopathic remedies) and Repertory work to new generations of students. Seeing students develop into homoeopaths by studying something they're passionate about, is a reward in itself!

Sheryl Conran Brown R.S. Hom
Lecturer and student Academic Advisor
Sheryl gained the skills necessary to ‘speak Academic’, whilst attending university, 2015-2019, and obtaining a first-class honours degree in Psychology and, subsequently, a Master’s degree in Jungian studies. These courses, undertaken as a mature student, furthered her understanding of the subconscious and unconscious motivations that underpin human behaviours. Qualifying from the North West College of Homeopathy (1993), and subsequently running successful homeopathic practices in the North West and Midlands she is an ardent follower of Rajan Sankaran’s Sensation Method, a method which also allows the homeopath to delve deeper into the subconscious and unconscious layers of the psyche.
Keeping up with Sankaran’s constantly evolving philosophy and the practicalities of the Sensation method keep her on her ‘homeopathic toes’, a bit like teaching at the SDSH!

Carmen Adamou BA (Hons), LSHC, RSHom
Carmen became passionate about homeopathy some 24 years ago when seeing the results first-hand with her children, she picked up a copy of Miranda Castro’s Mother and Baby book and never looked back. She trained as a RSHom and graduated in 2007 and has been practising for over 15 years.
She now runs a busy family practice in Witney, West Oxfordshire supporting the whole family and also runs short courses and workshops on how to use homeopathy safely at home. She was a director, tutor and lecturer at Salisbury Homeopathy College for over 7 years.
Carmen has been attending the summer post-graduate international course with Professor Vithoulkas in Greece since 2010. She lives in Oxfordshire and has an interest in mind body medicine as well as gardening all things botanical.
This is her story as to why she became a homeopath - https://www.oxfordshirehomeopath.co.uk/post/my-journey-to-becoming-a-homeopath

Joshua Thomas M.Ost
Medical science lecturer
I trained for four years and graduated from the University College of Osteopathy, formerly the prestigious British School of Osteopathy, with a Masters degree in Osteopathy.
I am a registered member of the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and an active individual who enjoys the outdoors. I love archery, swimming, kayaking, hiking and rock climbing.
Currently I run my own practice in the centre of Chichester
Other lecturers
Robert Bridges
Marcus Christo
Sam Eddison
Jonathan Hardy
Gill Hulme
Ulrike O'Callaghan
Ian Watson
Alastair Hay