Course Requirements
Studying homeopathy is demanding of time and energy and is, undoubtedly, a huge commitment. It is, however, a life-changing experience and you will not be the same person you were at the start. You will be challenged mentally and be exposed to many new ideas. There is a great amount to learn but what you have to discover is so very interesting. You will make new friends and have many discussions and running throughout, despite the serious nature of the subject, there will be much laughter.
What to expect from us
The course is streamlined according to HE level guidelines to provide a thorough and progressive learning experience through different teaching methods, graded work modules and a wide range of lectures. In addition, there are monthly homework requirements. Together with the academic study, there is an emphasis on practical clinical experience.
The classes are small and informal, with plenty of time available for debate, discussion and individual attention.
Many students feel worried about their level of academic ability. We are aware that different people learn and express themselves in different ways and we will help you come up with the approaches that work best for you. Homework can usually be answered in a variety of formats and you will have plenty of support from your tutors.
The first two years are mostly focused on homeopathic theory and being introduced to the fascinating world of materia medica (study of remedies). From Year 3 onwards students will start to take their own cases both on their own and within a student clinic. We are unique as a college in that we provide our excellent in-house supervision included in our fees which is usually something students at other colleges have to source and pay for outside of the course.
We also run all day Saturday Career Development Program lectures where we invite other homeopaths and speakers in to teach our third and fourth year students. This also provides further training and lecturing opportunities for our post graduates.

What we require from you
There are no formal academic qualifications required but the course will require a certain amount of written work, tests and clinical work. You will need to be computer literate. Some understanding of human biology is useful. There is a medical science part of the course which covers all the main systems in the body but this will need to be supplemented by home reading if you have no background in this area.
In the final year, there are two longer pieces of work to be completed - a set essay on homeopathic theory and a materia medica study/research piece of your choosing. You will get guidance and support for this. You will need to set aside 15-20 hours per month for your home studies and reading.

Our expectations
All homeworks have to be completed within the year in order for you to move on to the next. There is a minimum attendance of 85% each academic year.
We place a high premium on self-awareness through self-reflection at our school which means that we expect all our students to treat others in an appropriate manner. While we encourage people to express their opinions, we also expect that they give the space and room for others to express theirs.